Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Figgy's not-so-jolly Christmas post

Dear reader,

I don't understand why all those atheists out there who are so dead-set against Christianity and religion find it permissable to perpetuate the lie that is Santa Claus. I know I've made a similar statement before, but it just boggles my mind. I mean, their whole argument against religion is that it's a backward and illogical fantasy, a fairy tale that was concocted by some poor ignorant people as an explanation for things they didn't fully understand. And yet they don't mind letting the stupid "Santa Claus lives in the North Pole and delivers presents to every well-behaved child" myth to continue.

And when they meet people who actually believe in God, they either get riled up or annoyingly condescending. They teach their children that there is no such thing as God, but find it too heartless to say that Santa doesn't exist. It's just another substitute for religion. You've got this mysterious immortal, bearded being who lives in a distant, seemingly unattainable location, and who possesses supernatural abilities to reward all the good, obedient children around the world, and gives the bad children exactly what they deserve. Sound familiar?

I wonder if they know how inconsistent they're being. They substitute God with science, and religion with evolution. They cling to their Big Bang theory, pushing aside all other contradictory arguments in favour of their own, in the exact same way they accuse Christians of doing.

Perhaps I am being harsh, perhaps I am over-generalizing. Surely not everyone who doesn't believe in God are as narrow-minded as I make them out to be. I'm just frustrated with being called a liar or a fool for believing in a perfectly legitimate explanation for the creation of the Universe. I make it a point to never argue with anyone about religion. You can't--and shouldn't, in fact--try to change a person's convictions to suit your own. I mean, they've made up their minds. Nothing you say to them can change that. People are funny. They sneer and ridicule others for having a different lifestyle than theirs, or for not doing things the way they're supposed to. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, even if you don't agree with it.

Well. Enough of that, dear reader. That's the end of my rampage of a post. Happy holidays.


Figgy the Believer


  1. I know where you're coming from.
    I'm an atheist but I don't have my own kids, but if I did I probably wouldn't lie about Santa Claus either, although it would be awkward if my kids told other kids that.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I kind of have a different view on this than you do! You think everyone has "made up their minds"... which is really funny because in my opinion it's the complete opposite.

    I talk about religion, God, existence, life, and death with EVERYONE. Most people who I talk to about it claim to have some religious "label", but that's all they have. A label. They never thought about it, they believe in things because their parents gave them label.

    I just want to say that there is so much to know, and so much to think about, that I openly talk to people about their religions because I've helped people understand things in many ways.

    I've made MANY people realize that they're atheists.

    That doesn't mean they don't have morals, though. I'm a very moral person. Just saying.

    I hope you have a good christmas. :)


  2. I suppose I only speak from personal experience when I say everyone's made up their minds. I've had a few people get very argumentative and condescending with me when I mentioned I was a believer. It's just frustrating to be looked down upon, you know?

    The thing is, I do enjoy talking about the meaning of life, religion, etc with other people. I just try stop short at arguing with them, or you know, trying to 'convert' them haha :)

    Oh, one more thing. I think what you said about atheism and morality is absolutely true. You can be a moral person while not subscribing to any religion. I believe (although we may disagree on this point haha) that, while God is real, religion is man-made.

    Wow, this comment is longer than I intended it to be :)

    Anyway, hope you have a good Christmas as well. Happy holidays :)


  3. Great post, Beth. I appreciate your thoughts.

    You are so true that many, many people in this world have 'labels' and that what they were born as is what they are. I met so many hundreds of people in China who were Buddhist, not by choice, but simply because that's what their family culture was. I have also found this to be true in many other countries that I've visited as well. Now, I am a Christian born to Christian parents, but it was my choice to become a Christian at the age of 7 and not my parents. As a matter of fact, Christians in truth are not born, because the decision to follow Christ MUST be a personal decision and not simply, "I'm a Christian because that's what I was born as." (like so many other beliefs) What I've found in so many cases has been that many people who are simply born into a belief system are interested in finding the truth, and when I've introduced them to Him, they have been more than willing to believe in Him and choose to become Christians themselves. I hope one day you come to the Truth as well. I do appreciate your expressed willingness to discuss truth, and I hope that you find Him someday.

    Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both.

