Dear Reader,
You know, I was just thinking about an Internet article I read a few days ago. About a 13-year-old boy trading in his iPod for an old-school walkman. And how it took him a grand total of three days to figure out that there was a B-side to the cassette. I also read his irreverent and scathing criticism directed towards that innocent piece of hardware--and, by association, every individual unfortunate enough to have owned one. What did he say? Something like, he couldn't believe his dad ever considered it as a credible piece of technology. Show some respect for your elders, boy! Great, now I sound like an old woman. "Young people these days! Why, back when I was a little girl..."
Anyway. I'm only 18, but I remember owning a walkman. It was a present, from my Dad, because I got straight A's for my UPSR. Which means I got it when I was 12 years old, six years ago. Does that make me a relic? Desperately old-fashioned and antiquated? Well, I don't care! I loved that walkman. I might even go so far as to say I adored that walkman. There's just something so friendly and comfortable about old walkmans. Something inexplicably satisfying in grasping the chunky, heavy machine in your 12-year-old-sized hand and lugging it around everywhere. I remember feeling a delightful sense of ownership and privilege in strapping the thing onto my waist--risking exposure to the elements if the pants I had on were too loose.

But, tragically, little Sony died. From exhaustion, I presume. I'm afraid in my excitement at owning a portable music machine, I overworked him. All I have left of the little bugger are fond memories of happy times together. I suppose it's for the best. We must keep up with the times, after all. But we should never forget the walkman. Because everything our fathers accomplished in the past, every obstacle they overcame, every hurdle they jumped over, every difficulty they removed, was all so that we--their children--wouldn't have to.
Wow. I do believe I'm growing up, my dear reader. Or maybe just growing old. I seriously need to get out more. Well, that's it from me. My joints hurt when I remain seated in the same position for a long time. And my rheumatism has been acting up. Must be all the rainstorms we've had recently. Oh, and don't get me started on my aching feet...
Haha, just kidding. I may be old and wrinkly on the inside, but my outsides are as youthful as ever. And so, all jests aside, I bid you adieu, honourable reader. I hope you have a productive and pleasant week. So long.
Figgy the Antediluvian
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