Dear Reader,
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm happy I'm going back to school in August. Boredom is not a good colour for me. I get all depressed and lethargic if I don't have much to do. It's like how--even if you love apple pie more than life itself--you'll inevitably get sick of it after seven or eight months of nothing but apple pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anyway, for lack of better blog fodder, I shall fill this post with random thoughts of randomness, delivered straight to you, my lucky reader, as they flit across the threshold of my entertainment-deprived, unstimulated mind. Enjoy.
Random thought numero uno: I love emoticons, don't you? They're a mighty useful way of expressing oneself, especially when you're communicating via the emotionless and voiceless Internet. And also for text messaging. Or in pictures. Or letters. I hate talking on the phone. I don't know why, it just makes me uncomfortable. So I resort to text messaging to get my point across, hence the importance of emoticons; I don't want to offend anyone because they misunderstand the tone of my message.
Random thought numero dos: If 'emo' stands for 'emotional', why do all individuals of the emo persuasion exhibit no emotion whatsoever? Is indifference an emotion? Isn't it rather a lack of emotion? Oh, wait, they do exhibit one emotion: angst. As demonstrated by their angry, anguish-ridden poem writing and their [alleged] wrist slashing. I have absolutely no problem with emo as a fashion trend. In fact, I salute all fashion non-conformists for having the guts to don their outrageous garments in public. I know I don't have their brand of courage.
Random thought numero tres: Certain scenes were cut from the 'Penelope' movie. I know this because I scrounged the Internet, trying to get a free viewing of it. *shifty eyes* Anyway, the one on YouTube only showed part of it (copyright infringement, blah, blah, blah) but I saw enough to know that they weren't showing the full version of 'Penelope' on Astro. The thing that miffs me is, most of the cut scenes were totally harmless. And most--if not all--of them were Penelope's scenes, the close-ups. Of her face. And her nose. Are you getting my drift, dear reader? It irks me to no end that the Malaysian government (or whoever handles these things) will delete scenes--that contain absolutely no violent or obscene behaviour--just because they're afraid it will offend...certain people. And the pig nose wasn't even grotesque; it was more cute than freaky.
Random thought numero cuatro: I'm going to the Rainforest World Music Festival this July. I'm so looking forward to it. I went once before, a long time ago. I barely remember what happened. I'm going with my sisters and brother, and maybe one of my sister's friends. My mom might come with us, too. I await the commencement of Rainfest with baited breath! ...or maybe not. It's happening on the 10th of July. I can't hold my breath that long. So I shall await the dawning of the 10th of July with a palpitating heart and mounting enthusiasm!
Random thought numero cinco: The quizzes on Facebook are really interesting and creative. I've done so many already. At first I thought Facebook was for losers...you know, lemmings. Or sheep. And I refused to join it because I didn't want to transform into some sort of Facebook clone, bombarding my friends and family with my idiotic shout outs and senseless rambling. I mean, that's the reason for this blog. I don't need to extend my lunacy to Facebook. But, like many times before, I found that I was mistaken. Facebook has become a welcome channel to alleviate the boredom of the past few weeks.
Random thought numero seis: I can only count up to six in Spanish. So I guess this'll be my last random thought. Hey, guess what...I can say 'my name is Figgy' in Spanish; 'mi nombre es Figgy'. Aha~
Okay, I'll let you go now, my dearest reader. I hope you've been experiencing some excitement in your life--unlike moi [hey, French! XD]--and shall continue to experience it in the future. Til next time, adios mi amigo! Right, now that's Spanish.
Figgy the Haphazard
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